
Understanding the supporter data export format

The supporter / sender data export has the following columns. Note that for security and privacy purposes, only specific named people are given access to the sender data download.

  1. sender_ref (string): a campaign-supplied referenced passed via the URL (see advanced usage)
  2. sender_email (string): the sender's email address
  3. sender_name_given (string): the sender's given (first) name
  4. sender_name_family (string): the sender's family (last) name
  5. optin_responses (json): the sender's answers to the questions (consent and others). A json string might look like {'email': {'id': '1', 'value': 'No'}, 'post': {'id': '2', 'value': 'Yes'}}which shows that to a question about email (the codes reflect the question), they answered 'No' ('value': 'No') but to one about post they selected 'Yes'. The id is for internal use in case the question code and answer is changed there is still a audit trail back to the original.
  6. sender_address (json): the sender's postal address if requested and provided in json key:value format
  7. sender_address_postcode (string): the sender's postcode if requested and provided
  8. sender_address_country (string): the 2 letter ISO country code of the sender's location - default for many actions
  9. action_name (string): the action name the sender participated in
  10. publish_phase (string): the phase of the campaign when the sender's action was started. Usually 'live'.
  11. postitem_status (string): the status of the sender's action. Usually 'success' as only successes are exported. But other statuses are stored for each step of the action.
  12. track_referrer (string): the site url the sender clicked on to get to the action. Blank usually means email (no trackable referrer)
  13. track_params (json): the utm parameters included in the URL the sender clicked on
  14. created_at (timestamp): date and time in UTC/GMT of the sender's action. Note UTC is not the same as UK time in the summer.
  15. updated_at (timestamp): date and time in UTC/GMT the sender's data was updated (usually by each step of the action).
  16. lang_code (string): the two-letter ISO language code of the the sender's action.
  17. postitem_format (string): not yet used. It will eventually be options like postcards, letter, etc.
  18. img_filename (string): the image version the sender chose. Note these will likely have been renamed from what was originally supplied.
  19. postage_type (string): not yet used as only standard postage is available.
  20. pay_status (string): if sender pay and pay forward are used, this is the status of the sender's payment.
  21. pay_option (json): if sender pay and pay forward are used, which option they chose
  22. mod_status (string): what the moderation status is at the time of export
  23. mod_flag (string): if the moderation flag/like/star (different from status) is set to yet (or no)
  24. post_status (string): if the postcard has been posted or not
  25. post_timestamp (timestamp): when the postcard was posted
  26. tx_status (string): if sender pay and pay forward are used, the status of the transaction
  27. tx_value_currency (string): if sender pay and pay forward are used, the transaction currency
  28. tx_value_amount (string): if sender pay and pay forward are used, the transaction amount (before Stripe fees)

Export API

A JSON API is also available for supporter data export. Each client has their own dedicated end-point. If your server has a fixed IP or IP range, access requests can also be further restricted. See the API documentation.

Postbug bee - sending postcards to people in power

PostBug Clients