
Custom styling of action page content

What's possible?

Only some action elements allow HTML and thus these are the only ones CSS styling can be applied to. Most of these are in Locize and a few are editable in the general action settings. These include:

  1. Action introduction (Locize: actionIntroduction)
  2. Instructions / talking points (Locize: step3Notes)
  3. Sender details page footer (Locize: step4SenderDetailsFooter)
  4. Data protection footer (Locize: step4DataProtectionFooter)
  5. Payment page footer (Locize: step5PaymentProcessingFooter)
  6. Completion page message (Locize: actionSuccessMessage) - if not using URL redirect
  7. Completion page content (Locize: step6ThankYou) - if not using URL redirect
  8. Page footer (general setting)

How do I add styling?

Styling is added via CSS and ideally the classes using the Tailwind CSS framework. It allows plenty of customisation.

Custom html tags and styling might reduce the accessabilitiy and cross-device compatability the platform has been optimised for. Keep html tags to the basics (e.g. p, div, span, string, em, br, links, images) and use Tailwind CSS classes where possible.

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